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Figure 1. The complex interplay of dietary elements, the microbiota, and the host can be beneficial or detrimental to host health. |
Recent estimates suggest your body houses some 30 trillion bacteria [4] and about 1 quadrillion viruses. In essence we're little more than walking microbe colonies.
These organisms perform a wide variety of functions, including
These organisms perform a wide variety of functions, including
- Assisting in the digestion of food
- Regulating the enteric nervous system, which rules the digestive tract
- Orchestrating the immune response
- Helping modulate many aspects of inflammation
- Playing a large role in brain and mental health, as the gut and the brain are intricately connected
Video 1. Microbiome: The Inside Story (YouTube link)
Microbiome and Healthy Aging
Healthy Aging = a healthy and diverse microbiota
The individual microbiota of people in long-stay care was significantly less diverse than that of community dwellers. Loss of community-associated microbiota correlated with increased frailty.[14]
One research showed several surprising results compared to other cohorts.[5,6]
- The overall microbiota composition of the healthy aged group was similar to that of people decades younger.
- The major differences between groups in the gut microbiota profiles were found before age 20.
- The gut microbiota differed little between individuals from the ages of 30 to >100.
- The gut microbiota of males appeared to be more variable than that of females.
Taken together, the present findings suggest that the microbiota of the healthy aged in this cross-sectional study differ little from that of the healthy young in the same population, although the minor variations that do exist depend upon the comparison cohort.
We speculate that this similarity is a consequence of an active healthy lifestyle and diet, although cause and effect cannot be ascribed in this (or any other) cross-sectional design. One surprising result was that the gut microbiota of persons in their 20s was distinct from those of other age cohorts, and this result was replicated, suggesting that it is a reproducible finding and distinct from those of other populations.
We speculate that this similarity is a consequence of an active healthy lifestyle and diet, although cause and effect cannot be ascribed in this (or any other) cross-sectional design. One surprising result was that the gut microbiota of persons in their 20s was distinct from those of other age cohorts, and this result was replicated, suggesting that it is a reproducible finding and distinct from those of other populations.
While their cross-sectional cohort precludes the assignment of cause and effect, their results suggest that diet and lifestyle choices consistent with healthy aging even into the 10th decade of life include a healthy and diverse microbiota.
Healthy Aging = Increasing Compositional Uniqueness of the Gut Microbiome
In a recent study, scientists demonstrate that, starting in mid-to-late adulthood, gut microbiomes become increasingly unique to individuals with age. Their analysis identifies increasing compositional uniqueness of the gut microbiome as a component of healthy aging, which is characterized by distinct microbial metabolic outputs in the blood.[10]
They leverage three independent cohorts comprising over 9,000 individuals and find that compositional uniqueness is strongly associated with microbially produced amino acid derivatives circulating in the bloodstream.
In older age (over ~80 years), healthy individuals show continued microbial drift towards a unique compositional state, whereas this drift is absent in less healthy individuals.
The identified microbiome pattern of healthy aging is characterized by a depletion of core genera found across most humans, primarily Bacteroides. Retaining a high Bacteroides dominance into older age, or having a low gut microbiome uniqueness measure, predicts decreased survival in a 4-year follow-up.
- Microbiomes could hold keys to improving life
- How Gut Bacteria Are Shaking Up Cancer Research
- Fat for Fuel
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- ‘Ridiculously Healthy’ Elderly Have the Same Gut Microbiome as Healthy 30 Year-Olds
- The Gut Microbiota of Healthy Aged Chinese Is Similar to That of the Healthy Young
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- Microbiome: The Inside Story
- Researchers Discover Gut-Heart Connection in Coronary Artery Disease
- Gut microbiome pattern reflects healthy ageing and predicts survival in humans
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- Food for thought about the immune drivers of gut pain
- Ketogenic diet alleviates colitis by reduction of colonic group 3 innate lymphoid cells through altering gut microbiome
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- The effects of oral microbiota on health (Science Magazine)
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